[Books][0001][Journal of the Universe]

There are tons of books in this universe, I think it's good to read some of them. I think it's a good idea to update the study notes daily.

The expansition of the universe, may leads back that there is a back beginning of the universe.
If we suppose that the whole universe is in the precious of Dimensionality reduction...
The galaxy is formed because of the origional vaibraiton of the universe.
Such a wild and crazy mind that we can observe the movement of a whole galaxy.
A fixed star is with graviaty collapse and nuclear fusion. At the end of a fixed star, it collapsed and then explosed because of the neutrino, and spread the matter around.
The theory of plate tectonics.
Self-organizing Theory
cytochrome, confers enengy via Fe^2+ Fe^2+

At the end of this book, there is a history line. About 2.35*10^8years ago, the dianasors and the flowers appeared. The other thing is that the internet was invented just 30 years ago. How fast our technology developed. Also I think it's good to study more about the history, geography, biology, geometry. The dimensional marks our ourselves as humanbing in this universe.[202108070004]

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